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Love Horoscopes of Seduction…
Tips for Seducing (and holding on to) Your Scorpio Man

“Use the zodiac tips below to seduce your Scorpio man…and learn to write your own love horoscopes for years to come!”

The graphic depicts a gold stick figure holding up a magnifying glass with a question mark in the middle of the glass. Symbolically, the picture represents the Scorpio’s investigative nature.

Here’s what you need to do to GET & KEEP a Scorpio man…
Be sexy
Be provocative and seductive in the bedroom
Be a bit mysterious
Don’t over do with the game playing
Be honest (he’ll uncover your lies)
Be faithful (he’ll uncover your lies)
Be loyal and trustworthy (yes, once again, he’ll uncover your lies)
Don’t over flirt (with others, with him it’s ok)
Be strong in heart and spirit (be able to withstand his drilling questions)
Use body language to seduce him (not squeaky chatter)
Don’t volunteer too much information, let him inquire first
Make him guess
Don’t insult him verbally (or through action)
Don’t betray him
Don’t insult him
Be ready for sexual exploration and transformation
Be intriguing
Show personal strength and endurance
Dress to tease, not to show
Act confident and sexy
Be exciting to be around
Be passionate about something – hobbies, work, etc.
Be willing to support his quest for ultimate power
Be able to pin point when he’s testing you (and don’t disappoint)
Be willing to give him the “alone time” that he needs
Be able to withstand his moody outbursts
And once again, and I can’t stress this enough, be prepared to please him in the bedroom

Here’s what you can do to LOSE your Scorpio man…
Be a whore (OUT of the bedroom)
Be dishonest
Betray him
Be cold and aloof
Be unemotional
Pretend to be a virgin
Dress to flaunt
Have poor taste
Be cold and frigid
Show him who you are without reservation
Tell him who you are without reservation
Don’t take him (or your relationship) seriously
Make fun of his powerful emotionality
Try to corner him (not literally)
Deny him sex when in a fight
Tell him you don’t enjoy sex
Be evasive
Make friends with his enemies
Be superficial and medley
Be boring, dull, and without any interests
Insult him
Play games

Well ladies…there you have it – the do’s and don’t of seducing your Scorpio man. It’ll take some work to entice that Scorpio guy of yours, but I know you can do it. Just keep one thing in mind -- don’t be an imposter. Be real and make sure that the girl this guy wants is really you. Pretences will fool for only so long.

Now, if you know that you’re the one for him but find that you need a bit of help writing those love horoscopes of yours, think about ordering the spiritual path report . This report will analyze your Scorpio man’s chart and tell you all there is to know about his hidden thoughts, yearnings, and needs. Priceless information to have if you truly desire to know someone inside and out.

Another option you have (if you have access to his birth information), is to order a zodiac compatibility report. There's nothing like having a professionally written love horoscope guide to assist you in deciding how well you and your partner mesh as a couple.

However, no matter what course of action you decide to take, just make sure that you collect enough ammunition to catch him and keep him! (Sorry gents) ;-)

Seduce, seduce, and seduce my fair maidens…
Be feminine…be sophisticated…and be true…
And this man of all men will surely be yours.

Just be sure to forgive some of his possessive ways once in a while, especially if the possession is you! ;-)

Mesmerize his heart…and his mind!


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