Virgo sign:
"SmellingIt!" Virgo Style

Virgo sign: greeting for gentlemen

Note: 'Special Greeting for Gentlemen only!'
click here

Virgo Sign Incense and oils:

"You can burn these during your (or your partner's) Sun Sign month or whenever you need to summon your personal strength or remind yourself of your unique talents."

Virgo sign: aromas
• Patchouli: For material success

• Lily: For self-reliance

Virgo Sign Flowers:

"When choosing a flower for a special occasion or simply as a random token of affection (for another or yourself ;-), be sure to take into consideration your recipient’s astrological sign as well as the symbolic energetic meaning behind the essence the essence.

Remember that 'like spirits' communicate on levels beyond our reach or immediate comprehension. So a 'Virgo' flower might just send a special 'silent' message to your Virgo recipient. You'll never know until you try."

• Vervain: Vervain can have an extremely relaxing affect on the Virgo sign soul.

When the body and mind have been depleted and we feel exhausted, Vervain helps restore our emotional and spiritual health and can be a soothing remedy when there's been an overabundance of energy, especially in terms of mental activity.

A great choice of essence for the analytical, health-conscious, and sometimes over-serving Virgo soul.

• Other plants that can speak to the Virgo soul: Pansy, Hyacinth, Aster, Chrysanthemum, Ivy, and Fern.

Inviting Virgo sign aromas into your life:

"The aromatic fragrances above can be incorporated into the Virgo daily life in a number of different ways." Here are some ideas:

• Burn a bit of Patchouli oil while taking your evening bath to invite abundance into your life...

• Sprinkle a few droplets of Lily fragrance on your sheets and pillow and dream of the self-confidence that will slowly seep into your body before the sun gets a chance to rise...

• Use Lily soap to revitalize your spirit and strengthen your belief in yourself...

• Buy Vervain flowers and place them next to your bed at night to restore your helpful, thoughtful, and healing spirit that lives within you...

"You get the idea. Simply combine the scents mentioned above with your own imagination and touch all the Virgo souls in your life with your creations. The rest, leave up to the universe." ;-)


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